Highlighted Work

Mysterious Origins of the Italian Wine Formerly Known as Tocai
A monograph on the history of an important Italian (French?) grape.

Becoming Chianti Classico
A Wine Region’s Fight for Authenticity (Monograph)

Book: Lost Mount Penn
Discover Pennsylvania’s Lost Food & Wine Culture!

Teaching Wine at WAID?! in Bryn Mawr
I’ve been teaching at WAID?! since 2019.

Rosé Fatigue? Try Chiaretto
For those who, like me, are quickly tiring of #roseallday, #brose, and all-pink-all-the-time Insta feeds, Italy’s Chiaretto may be just the ticket.

To Keg or Not to Keg…
As wine taps proliferate throughout Philadelphia, local wine producers are divided on how to respond.

Italy’s Ultimate Chocolate Wine
Rough and tumble Sagrantino di Montefalco takes on a different role when made in the passito style

Of Monsters and Montefalco
Discovering the tender heart of Umbria’s brawny beast Sagrantino.

Borne By The Flame
The perfect pizza, from Liberty Hall in Lambertville NJ.

Tom Baker: Heavily Influential
Cover story for September 2014 issue of Philly Beer Scene

Why I Travel
An essay for Main Line Mag’s annual travel issue. Read the article (PDF).