I was interviewed by Fermenti Digitali, a digital wine business consultancy in the Veneto region of Italy, as a preview for the 2017 edition of Wine2Wine in Verona. The original interview appeared in Italian only, but I have translated it below.
Mike, based on your experience, how important is wine communication done in the traditional way (still)? Do you think new consumers are more interested in turning to other channels (like social media, or apps) to find the information they need, when they need it?
“The most difficult thing for a wine producer – and this can also be true for other industries – is finding balance between communications of substance, of value, that teaches something about what they do, their products, etc., and the silly posts so popular on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Can a post like this increase the reputation of a brand or improve people’s perception of it? Honestly, I don’t know. I guess if enough people share this, and have a laugh, maybe they will subscribe to the company’s channel or page to see more, and maybe next time they will respond to something more substantial.
There is no doubt that more and more people are receiving their information through social media, thus understanding the most effective strategies should be a priority for any company.”
What are the worst wine communication mistakes you’ve noticed over the years?
“The biggest mistake a company can make is not wanting to engage digitally. People are out there talking about your products. You should be out there, sharing more than they do. If someone posts something nice about you, be it on a social platform, in a blog, etc., take advantage of that content! Share it, report it in your newsletter. Encourage others to review your company, your products. There is no doubt that the best digital marketing strategies include stocks or tools that cost money, but there are also many that are free as long as you are willing to invest some time.”
Mike Madaio will talk about apps and wine reviews on Monday 4th December 2017.